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Saturday, 3 August 2013

Cartoons as a tool for Management Learning

3 Idiots crossing the valley

Here is the cartoon that is used in this post for understanding some key management lessons:

This is a cartoon depicting 3 people crossing a valley. The task at hand is not so simple as is visible in the picture. There are some constraints attached with the problem:
1. The gap or distance between the two edge of the valley is more than one single step of man but less than two steps.
2. Jumping across the valley is not possible as the team has to carry a pole along with themselves with using minimum risk involved methods.
3. Maintaining the balance of the pole, speed of the group and synchronization of the team is the key tasks which a manager has to plan and execute.

I came across quite a few situations at my project where such teamwork was required for project success. One such instance was of client invoicing where two people (one manager and one engineer) were under equipped for the task and one additional employee was required to facilitate the whole process. The balancing part was of balancing the bill and approval and time and synchronization were of prime importance. At that time we were able to achieve the target through pre-planned processes and division of responsibility. This cartoon, too, teaches us management concepts that are necessary for any project execution and success.

A Manager has to device a solution for the problem under given resource constraints such that human deficiencies are irrelevant. He has to plan a process which can help the team to cross the valley. Under given conditions it requires three people to work as a team to cross the valley. The whole activity of valley crossing can be planned in the following way:

where the positions of different people are categorized as Fully Safe, Half Safe/Half Risky & Fully Unsafe.
A Manager should work for process improvement. Under the given solution the task will be completed but there still is a chance of improvement. In the given solution, any team member A, B or C is in Risky state for 3 steps out of 9 steps, that is, he is in risky state for 33% of the work. We can further reduce this figure by implementing processes such as use of extra safety items (reducing risk at full risky position), better understanding and coordination between team members (for sharing load of the person in the full risky position) and proper training and motivation for the team members.

As per the table above, out of total 27 steps the arrangement is:
A manager's task is to reduce the unsafe and half safe steps to zero and maximize safe steps to 27.

Ideal arrangement:

Learning from this exercise:

1. Structuring of Tasks-
  •  The role of all the three team members is equal and there is no differentiation between the responsibilities of any two persons. i.e Role A = Role B = Role C
  • All three team members are equally responsible for the success of the task
2. Team Management-
  • Mutual Trust - Trust is an important factor which is shared among any team members. Here, at the point of fully unsafe positions, the unsafe person has to trust his team members for support and successful execution of task.
  • Managing Conflicts -  Any conflicts within the team should be solved transparently and there should be complete trust among team members.
  • Effective communication - It is a necessary requirement for task completion
  • Bonding of team members helps them to perform efficiently under stressful conditions
3. Process Improvement - 
  • Proper Planning should be undertaken to ensure that the task is a success at each and every step.
  • Synchronization  - The steps of the people should be synchronized during valley crossing
  • Training and  Development - The team members should be trained and motivated to perform any risky tasks.
  • Planning - The prime requirement of any task is planning. Planning can be explained under 3 categories
           - Work Planning - Distribution of physical work is planned in work planning
           - Authority Planning - It defines roles distribution, Team Leader selection and proper communication                                             of information 
           - Control Planning - Standards, safety precautions, system forms control planning.

Thus with the use of above mentioned methods it is the task of a team manager to design, execute and control the whole process.
Thanking you!!!

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