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Sunday, 7 July 2013

Three Monks Story - The Importance of Processes and Teamwork

About the film:

Three Monks is a Chinese animated short film, released in 1980 and directed by A Da. It is one of the most famous and beloved films of Shanghai Animation Film Studio's productions, and has won awards at film festivals throughout the world including:

  • Outstanding film award at China's Ministry of Culture
  • Best animated film prize at the Golden Rooster awards in 1981.

The film is based on the ancient Chinese proverb "One monk will shoulder two buckets of water, two monks will share the load, but add a third and no one will want to fetch water." If you watch the film, you'll notice that the film does not contain any dialogues, allowing it to be watched by any culture, and a different music instrument signifies each monk.

Plot of the movie:

The movie starts with a monk living peacefully in a monastery. His daily routine involved fetching water from the river, watering a plant and meditation. When alone, he fetches 2 buckets of water in one trip. On the arrival of a older monk, the young monk found him taking the responsibility of fetching the water from the river down the hill. He rejoiced on being feeling relieved from the daily hard work. But soon the older monk realizes that now only he himself was doing the hard work and the young monk was not helping. So he ropes in the young monk also in the daily work. This soon leads to differences on load sharing of the work, apart from reduction in the productivity. On clearing the differences, now both together fetches 1 bucket of water at a time.On the arrival of third monk, the other two monks expected him to fetch the water.He drinks all the stored water of older monks and fetches water from the river alone now. Soon he also realizes that he is fetching the water alone for all 3 of them and he drinks all the water he fetches to quench his thirst. As a result of the conflict, there is no water left and no one is ready to fetch the water. All the 3 monks come together when at night, one mouse comes to scrounge and knocks the candle holder leading to a devastating fire in the temple. They work in a team to put off the fire and were successful in their efforts. At last, the 3 monks together, devised a process of team-work, technology and separate responsibilities to fetch and store water in the temple.

Interpretations and Management Learning;

1. Productivity :-
    When one monk was fetching water, his responsibility was defined (2 buckets of water). On the arrival of the second monk, they together fetched the water thus decreasing the output of the process (1 bucket of water). Although by working together, their efforts were reduced but the output of the process decreased. When the third monk moves in, both monks try to delegate entire work to the newcomer. After arguing with each other constantly over whose turn it is to fetch the water, nobody goes to fetch the water and the productivity is zero.
Different processes have different productivity level. One of the important functions of a manager is to optimize the process, improve the work design and try to aim for the most productive processes.

By closely observing,we can find that the second process was more productive, that is 2 monks carrying 1 bucket of water.
Output (No. of buckets)
Inputs (worker units)
Productivity = Output/Input
1 Monk- 2 bucket
2 Monks – 1 bucket
Thus it lays importance on equal division of work, teamwork and use of scientific method to increase productivity. Simply increase in number of workers will not lead to increased productivity. In the film increased productivity was achieved when both the monks, through the use of scientific method, clearly divided their stick and coordinated. 

2. Work Method :-
     Excellence = Efficiency X Effectiveness

In the movie, stress was laid on improvement of work methods. On the arrival of the second monk, when there was a dispute of where the center of the stick is, the use of technology came to the rescue. As it is usually said that the solutions of the biggest problems lies in the simplest of the methods, a scale was used in the film to resolve the dispute. The scale is a representation of fixed standards and the use of the technology along with the standards improves the method of work.  

Very often at my work place, there were conflicts to choose anyone from process or people to complete the work. Usually the management trusts the people approach to achieve their goals. Through experiences, I have learned that it is the process approach which is easy and a sure way to get a solution. Everyone on my team and project was equally experienced, competent and qualified. What was required was a modification in the process or work method to achieve the goal which could be executed by anyone from the team. 

3. Technology :-

    Technology is of great use to a manager to improve work methods and processes. A manager should not create any processes or decisions based of  appearance or size of the people.At the end of the film,after fighting the temple fire together, the 3 monks devised a process with the help of technology and used a pulley system to fetch water. Here, they had clear knowledge of their roles and responsibilities, no undue advantage was given to anyone and the process was scientific, i.e it reduced their efforts and also increased the productivity. Today's manager has to has to design an operating system based on technology. It is a continuous process of optimizing the work so that maximum efficiency could be derived from it.

4. Teamwork :-

     Management is maintaining normal behavior at abnormal times. Teamwork and synergy are the things to be remembered during times of disaster and anarchy. Management generates discipline and the absence of management will lead to loss of character. In the film, when fire broke out in the temple, all the 3 monks worked in coordination and in a team to put off the fire. Their behavior to each other was positive and helping. Drastic problems requires drastic innovations and solutions. They adds an altogether dimension to the process and improves it.   

Major takeaways :-

  1. Process management is more important than people management.
  2. Standards have to be set and rules should be defined. Otherwise things head to a haywire.
  3. Team work and coordination is the key to success.
  4. There should be a sustainable model is place to achieve the goals.
  5. Technology and productivity are directly proportional to each other. 
Here is the Youtube link of the video

Thank You!!!

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